Nominations Due – September 14, 2015
Each year we are given the opportunity to honor a distinguished industry leader by nominating that individual for the Frank G. Campbell Award for Outstanding Service. This is a Motor Carrier Award given to a Motor Carrier by Motor Carriers. 2015 represents the 41st year the award will be presented to a worthy member of MoTA, who, because of dedication and service to the Association, truck transportation and public service deserves the recognition and prestige symbolized by the presentation of the Campbell Award at the MoTA Annual Convention. The deadline for nominations is September 14, 2015. Note: See instructions on reverse of form. Two nominations required.
The Frank G. Campbell Award Nomination Form, Information and Winners List is included as a link below to better explain the origin of the award and let you know who has received it in past years. The form fully explains the award and nominating procedure. After reading over the nomination form, why don’t you take a few minutes to nominate a deserving individual? Then mail your nomination to the MoTA office in an envelope marked Frank G. Campbell Award Nomination.
While the MoTA staff is not involved in judging the nominee, I can obtain information on the individuals you may wish to nominate.
Click below to access link:
Frank G. Campbell Award Nomination Form, Information and Winners List
We look forward to receiving your nomination!