During the 2015 MoTA annual membership meeting, proposed changes to the Missouri Trucking Association By-Laws will be brought before the membership. Please plan to attend the meeting October 8th at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson. The membership meeting will start at 8:15 a.m.
Chairman Jim Wingfield appointed a Governance Committee to review the Missouri Trucking Association By-Laws and propose changes bringing us in compliance with the Association’s Directors and Officers insurance policy requirements.
These changes, approved by the Executive Committee in June, make three main substantive changes to the by-laws:
1) The number of Executive Committee members is reduced from 13 to 11.
2) Board of directors will be elected to a three-year term. At the election during the 2015 Annual Meeting, Board members will be selected to be elected to an initial one-, two-, or three-year term. Subsequent elections will be for a 3-year term so that at future Annual Meetings, only 1/3 of the board membership will be up for election.
3) Board members will be required to attend at least 3 of the 4 annual board meetings, and one of those meetings may be attended through a telephone conference call.
The intent of these changes, in addition to the promotion of some best practice and compliance with our insurance provider’s suggestions, is to promote a more active and engaged board of directors. If you have an interest in serving on the board, please let us know!
Final Proposed By-Laws document.
If you have questions regarding the changes you may contact Tom Crawford, President and CEO at the MoTA office – (573) 634-3388.