The season for motor carriers and other entities covered under the Unified Carrier Registration Agreement to register for 2014 and pay the associated UCR fees began October 1, 2013. That’s the date recommended to the states by the UCR Board of Directors to begin accepting next year’s fees.
Most states were expected to be ready to do so by the October 1 date, as was the national UCR system run by the Indiana Department of Revenue.
The UCR Board recommended that the states begin roadside enforcement of payment of the UCR on January 1, 2014, and it is expected that most states will do so on or soon after that date.
The fees for 2014 will be the same as they have been for the past several years, and it seems likely that the 2015 fees will also be the same.
It is reported that 2012 is the first year in which the total collected under the UCR program will exceed $100 million (a figure achieved late last month or early this, owing to late collections), and 2013 collections are also expected to exceed $100 million.
For more information, or to register, go to, or here.