Council Sponsored Programs
– All participants must be members of MoTA.
Driver of the Month Contest
Driver of the Month Contest:Twelve drivers from MoTA member companies are honored each year for outstanding achievements. One is selected as the Missouri Driver of the Year. These winners are honored at the MoTA Annual Safety Awards Luncheon.
Fleet Safety Contest
Fleet Safety Contest: MoTA member trucking companies compete for recognition and awards in four classes of competition based on mileage and accidents both Fleet Safety Contest & OTR Division and Fleet Safety Contest & Local Division. These winners are honored at the MoTA Annual Safety Awards Luncheon.
Truck Driving Championships
Truck Driving Championships: MoTA member companies sponsor drivers in an annual contest of driver skill and knowledge in eight categories, with the opportunity for winners to compete at the National level.
Safety Director of the Year
Safety Director of the Year: Honors one person from a MoTA member trucking company for their professional performance in the pursuit of company and industry truck safety. This winner is honored at the MoTA Annual Safety Awards Luncheon. Past Winners
Chair’s Safe Driver Club
Chair’s Safe Driver Club Nomination Form and Rules: MoTA member company drivers accident free with clean MVR’s are awarded membership honoring this achievement. Members are recognized at the MoTA Annual Safety Awards Luncheon.
Please click here for the Chair’s Safe Driver Club example spreadsheet