The Missouri Trucking Association’s Technology and Maintenance Council is made up of fleet maintenance and service professionals who pursue the highest standards of productivity and safety in commercial motor vehicle maintenance. This council is for the fleet maintenance and service professional who wants to improve their maintenance skills, stay current on changing technologies, network with other maintenance professionals in the trucking industry, and promote fleet maintenance careers.
The council’s activities include:
• Hosting educational programs at key locations throughout the state
• Coordinating efforts to interest young people in trucking careers
• Recognizing top performers with annual awards for maintenance supervisors and technicians
• Planning activities to enhance maintenance and service management skills for member
• Quarterly membership meetings around the state
For your company’s annual dues investment of $50, you provide direct support for these activities as well as receive special notices about upcoming Technology & Maintenance Council events. Annual dues cover meeting notices, award programs and administrative expenses. Council membership belongs to your company. The company must be a member of the Missouri Trucking Association, but as many individuals from your company as you wish may participate in council activities. Please join today!
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