Many issues important to the trucking industry must go down a political road.  The Missouri Trucking Association stays actively involved each session with the interests of the trucking industry in mind.  MoTA continues to have great success at the capital, our efforts largely supported by the MO TRUCK PAC, the political action committee of MoTA.  Support to legislators who bring real meaningful reform to the trucking industry is a must.  Campaign contributions are an important way to show that support.

If you wish to contribute to the MO TRUCK PAC click Here.

or Mail check to:


PO Box 1247

Jefferson City, MO 65102

All checks must be made payable to Mo TRUCK PAC.


The Annual MOTRUCK PAC Golf Tournament 

golfEach summer the Annual Golf Tournament is held to support the MO TRUCK PAC.  All proceeds go directly to the PAC. This tournament continues to be a major funding source for our political action committee.   

Thank you to our many sponsors and players who have worked to make this event such a success each year.  We hope you will continue to participate.

As you know, our industry has faced several important issues in the state legislature.  It has never been more important that we elect candidates to the Missouri legislature who understand the issues that are facing our industry.  The MO TRUCK PAC (MTP – formerly Motor Carrier Public Affairs) exists so that the Missouri Trucking Association can have an impact on political campaigns and influence who is elected to office in Missouri.  We need members in the Missouri legislature who will fight to protect your business from unfair regulations, toll roads, and other anti-business legislation.  The MTP is bipartisan and determines candidate eligibility for a contribution based on their legislative performance and policies regarding the trucking industry.  Your voluntary investments in the MTP are an investment in the success of your business and a commitment to preserving the future of our industry.

Sitton-Babcock 2016 Golf w borderSponsorships are not limited to MoTA members.  Each year as we celebrate the anniversary of the PAC Golf Tournament, I hope you consider attending as a sponsor to help grow the event for future success.  If you can’t participate as a sponsor, I hope you consider joining us on the course each year.

The Golf Tournament is held at Porto Cima in Sunrise Beach, Missouri.



PAID FOR BY: MO TRUCK PAC  – Danny Opie, Treasurer